Stargate SG-1
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Stargate SG-1 (1997)

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Uma equipe de exploradores composta de soldados e cientistas viajam através do Stargate, um portal que dá acesso a outros planetas. Eles usam a passagem para explorar novos mundos e proteger a Terra contra forças inimigas. Online

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Stargate SG-111

1 - Children of the Gods (1)

When powerful aliens come through Earths Stargate, Colonel Jack ONeill returns to Abydos to retrieve Daniel Jackson, who has discovered that the alien transit system includes much more than the two planets.

Stargate SG-112

2 - Os Filhos dos Deuses (2)

Enquanto o Coronel Jack ONeill e sua equipe viajam para Abydos para enfrentar guerreiros mortais e Planadores da Morte, ONeill percebe que esta nova missão lhe parece assustadoramente familiar e que um velho inimigo voltou para se vingar da Terra.

Stargate SG-113

3 - The Enemy Within

Major Kawalsky is possessed by a Goauld, and the SGC must find a way to remove it without killing him.

Stargate SG-114

4 - Emancipation

An alien civilization is forced to reconsider their views on women when Carter rebels against their social customs.

Stargate SG-115

5 - The Broca Divide

Members of SG-1 become infected with an alien virus that turns them into primitive beings. Dr. Fraiser must find a cure to save the team and the alien population from whom it was contracted.

Stargate SG-116

6 - The First Commandment

SG-1 must stop a renegade Stargate commander, who has gone mad and set himself up as a god on an alien planet.

Stargate SG-117

7 - Cold Lazarus

During an off-world assignment, Jack is struck down by energy from a blue crystal... which creates a duplicate of him that returns to Earth in Jacks place.

Stargate SG-118

8 - The Nox

Pressed by the government to acquire new technologies, SG-1 is led to a world inhabited by a seemingly primative race. When Apophis arrives, SG-1 ambush him with disasterous consequences.

Stargate SG-119

9 - Brief Candle

SG-1 discovers a race of attractive people who age extremely rapidly. The situation becomes personal when ONeill begins to suffer from the same accelerated aging, and must live out the rest of his life on the planet.

Stargate SG-1110

10 - Thor's Hammer

Tealc and ONeill are transported to an underground cage designed by the Asgard to protect an alien world from the Goauld.

Stargate SG-1111

11 - The Torment of Tantalus

SG-1 tracks down Catherine Langfords fiancee, who took the first Stargate trip in 1945, and discovers an ancient meeting hall that may hold the secrets of the universe itself.

Stargate SG-1112

12 - Bloodlines

Tealc returns to Chulak to stop his people from implanting his son with a larval Goauld.

Stargate SG-1113

13 - Fire and Water

Daniel is taken captive by an alien with a hidden agenda, while SG-1 is made to believe he is dead.

Stargate SG-1114

14 - Hathor

The banished Goauld Hathor is found in an ancient sarcophagus Earth, and takes over the S.G.C. with hopes of raising a new army against the System Lords.

Stargate SG-1115

15 - Singularity

A mysterious affliction wipes out the entire population of a planet, plus an SG team -- except for one young girl. Carter befriends her, but learns that she is being used by the Goauld.

Stargate SG-1116

16 - Cor-Ai

Tealc must stand trial for a crime committed while he served as first prime of Apophis when a villager on an alien world identifies him as the Jaffa who killed his father.

Stargate SG-1117

17 - Enigma

The SG-1 team rescues a group of advanced humans from a planet near destruction, and must find a new home for the refugees before the Pentagon gets their hands on them.

Stargate SG-1118

18 - Solitudes

Colonel ONeill and Captain Carter are separated from Jackson and Tealc during a Stargate journey, and are trapped on a desolate ice world with no way of escape.

Stargate SG-1119

19 - Tin Man

The members of SG-1 arrive on P3X-989 and are knocked unconscious. They wake up and return to Earth only to find that they are not quite themselves.

Stargate SG-1120

20 - There But For the Grace of God

An alien artifact transports Daniel to an alternate reality, where he is not a part of the Stargate program and the Goauld -- led by Tealc -- are invading Earth.

Stargate SG-1121

21 - Politics (1)

Senator Kinsey arrives at the SGC to investigate the program and determine whether the great drain on the U.S. budget is worthwhile, prompting the team to recall missions from the past year.

Stargate SG-1122

22 - Within the Serpent's Grasp (2)

SG-1 escapes through the Stargate before it is shut down, and learns that Daniels alternate reality vision is true: Apophis is moving to attack Earth from above. The team must stop Apophis and his son, Klorel, who inhabits the body of their friend Skaara.

Richard Dean Anderson

Richard Dean Anderson

Jack O'Neill
Amanda Tapping

Amanda Tapping

Samantha Carter
Christopher Judge

Christopher Judge

Michael Shanks

Michael Shanks

Daniel Jackson, Thor (voice), Dr. Daniel Jackson
Don S. Davis

Don S. Davis

George Hammond
Robert Picardo

Robert Picardo

Richard Woolsey
Claudia Black

Claudia Black

Vala Mal Doran
Ben Browder

Ben Browder

Cameron Mitchell
Beau Bridges

Beau Bridges

Hank Landry
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