Mais Que Amigos (2020)
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Dez anos atrás, Kyung Woo Yeon era tão inocente e despreocupada quanto qualquer jovem de 18 anos. Com sonhos e ambições e um coração pronto para amar, para ela, se apaixonar por alguém era apenas uma questão de tempo. E ela se apaixonou: por seu amigo, Lee Soo . Mal sabia ela que, naquela época, Lee Soo também gostava dela. Infelizmente, um simples mal-entendido os impediu de confessar seus sentimentos. Online

1 - Episódio 1
Gyeong Woo Yeon met her first love, Lee Soo, in high school. Soo always helped Woo Yeon whenever she was in trouble and was sweet to her. One day, before Woo Yeon had a chance to ask him out, he told her that hes leaving to study in the US. Ten years later, Soo returns to Korea and meets Woo Yeon.

2 - Episódio 2
Years after getting rejected by Soo, Woo Yeon runs into Soo. Just like that, three years fly by after getting rejected for the second time. While taking a break from the world, Woo Yeon runs into Soo again, and this time she runs away. Despaired by the same old Soo, she realizes that she should now

3 - Episódio 3
Woo Yeon thinks shes done with Soo, but she keeps running into him. Joon Soo gives Woo Yeon a chance to work as a calligraphist at a book signi…

4 - Episódio 4
Woo Yeon and Soo get to work together on a photo book with calligraphy project with Eunyoo Publication. Soo suggests that he and Woo Yeon s…

5 - Episódio 5
Joon Soo repeatedly expresses his feelings for Woo Yeon. When she rejects him, telling him that she doesnt want to be in any bad relationship, he sug…

6 - Episódio 6
Joon Soo confesses his feeling to Woo Yeon once again but gives her time to think about it. However, she does agree to watch a musical with him.

7 - Episódio 7
Misunderstandings and missed timings prevent friends from confessing their romantic feelings for one another for over 10 years.

8 - Episódio 8
Soo tells Woo Yeon that hes sorry for hurting her feelings. Joon Soo warns Soo to stay as Woo Yeons friend. But later, Woo Yeon finds out that Soo got into an accident on his way to meet her on her birthday. Meanwhile, Jin Joo gets exhilarated after a young, clever, and intelligent guy asks Jin Joo

9 - Episódio 9
Woo Yeon tells Soo that she wants to stay as friends and that its already too late. Soo doesnt give up and tries to express his feelings every chance he gets. Meanwhile, Joon Soo runs into Soo who provokes him, and they end up fighting on the street.

11 - Episódio 11
Even though Woo Yeon refuses to hear him out, Soo doesnt stop. He keeps showing up to apologize. When Soo goes to the bubble tea cafe to apologize again, he gets hurt in Woo Yeons place. Using that as an excuse, Soo takes Woo Yeon on a trip to Jumunjin.

12 - Episódio 12
Woo Yeon and Soo go on their first date, and they cant keep away from each other. As if theyre trying to make up for the times they missed, they try all sorts of dates. Meanwhile, Hyun Jaes mom asks Young Hee to stop seeing him.

13 - Episódio 13
Woo Yeon feels slightly bothered by Soos friend Yu Ra but tries to act cool about it in front of Soo. Soo gets a job offer from an airline, but he turns it down to stay close to Woo Yeon. However, he still wants to go. Meanwhile, Yu Ra asks Woo Yeon to hang out with her.

14 - Episódio 14
Woo Yeon and Soo are excited about going on a long trip together, and planning the trip makes them happy. Soo suggests that hed introduce himself formally to Woo Yeons parents. But Woo Yeon receives an offer that will take her a step forward in her career.

15 - Episódio 15
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Shin Ye-eun
Kyung Woo-yeon
Kim Dong-jun
On Jun-soo
Pyo Ji-hoon
Jin Sang-hyuk
Ahn Eun-jin
Kim Young-hee
Choi Chan-ho
Shin Hyun-jae
Baek Soo-min
Han Jin-joo
Kim Hee-jung
Choi Won-jung
Ahn Nae-sang
Lee Young-hwanMidia
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