Fix You
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Fix You (2020)


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Como você lida com a raiva? De onde realmente vem a felicidade? Essas perguntas estão no coração de Fix You, um drama tocante sobre um psiquiatra peculiar em uma missão para ajudar as pessoas a se curarem, e uma estrela em ascensão cujas feridas emocionais são profundas. Lee Si Joon é um psiquiatra excêntrico, mas apaixonado, que trabalha em um hospital. Ele se importa profundamente com seus pacientes, a quem tenta ajudar através de esforços valentes, mas muitas vezes pouco ortodoxos. Han Woo Joo é uma atriz musical em ascensão. Honesta e de princípios, seus esforços no palco parecem estar valendo a pena, mas ela luta com problemas de raiva e colapsos mentais recorrentes que ameaçam inviabilizar sua carreira. Com compaixão como sua ferramenta, Lee Si Joon pode ajudar a consertar sua alma e deixar a cura começar? Online

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Fix You11

1 - Patients in Psychiatry Department

Woo Joo talks about her anger to Young Won, and Young Won asks Woo Joo what made her get angry recently. Young Won wants to know what happened to Woo Joo when she was six years old, but Woo Joo wont tell her. Si Joon tries to build rapport with his patient Dong Il, but they get in trouble all of a s

Fix You12

2 - A Sobriety Test

Yu Ra refuses to see a psychiatrist. Dong Il escapes from the hospital again, and Si Joon looks for him. Woo Joo is expecting to receive an award at the ceremony, but Dong Il tries to arrest her saying that she is drunk. Woo Joo tells Dong Il to talk about it later, but Dong Il barges into the award

Fix You13

3 - Woo Joo Meets Si Joon

Woo Joo is laid off from the show she was in and feels like a failure breaking up with her boyfriend who was cheating on her too. Right when things couldnt get worse, Si Joon asks if she could settle with his patient, Dong Il. Woo Joo refuses and yells at his face, but the two unexpectedly meet agai

Fix You14

4 - Do You Want to be My Patient?

Woo Joo helps Si Joon with a special therapy session he prepared for Dong Il. It goes well and Si Joon thanks Woo Joo. Young Won wants Si Joon to take over Woo Joo and Si Joon thinks over about it. He spends more time and even tests Woo Joo to observe her. One night, he opens up and asks if Woo Joo

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5 - Si Joon;s Father

Woo Joo refuses Si Joons offer. A patient named Min Ho, who has an eating disorder, comes to the ER, and Si Joon is in charge of him. Min Ho seems to have a trauma caused by his father. Meanwhile, Si Joon gets a call from the nursing home and he goes there right away. (Source: KOCOWA)

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6 - Woo Joo Accepts Si Joons Offer

When Bo Young expresses her anger towards her mother for treating her like a doll because of anorexia, Dong Hyuk decides to go with a drug treatment. On the other hand, Si Joon focuses on treating his patients through stage therapy, assuming that all patients have trauma that triggered their symptom

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7 - Do You Want to be My Patient?

Woo Joo goes to Si Joon and asks him to be her doctor. She admits her mental illness and expresses her desire to get cured. The two happily agree to start a new relationship as doctor and patient. Meanwhile, Si Joons been wrestling with a young patient named Park Luo, who suffers from schizophrenia.

Fix You18

8 - Si Joon Loses His Patients

A search takes place at Eun Kang Medical Center due to an anonymous report. It turns out that the issue was Si Joon hospitalizing patient Park Luo without his guardians consent. Dr. Park decides to withdraw all of Si Joons patients and gives him a momentary break from seeing patients. Si Joon sees n

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9 - Si Joons Trauma

Si Joon asks Young Won why she sent Woo Joo to him. Young Won tells Si Joon that shes worried about him since he cant overcome what happened to him eight years ago. Meanwhile, Taek Kyung suddenly recognizes Si Joon and tells him that he didnt want to pass on poverty to him. (Source: KOCOWA)

Fix You110

10 - Woo Joo Quits

Woo Joo quits stage therapy, and Si Joon asks Young Won to take care of her. Si Joon gets a warning from the police regarding someones report of him violating the Mental Health Act. Meanwhile, Park Luo, a former patient of Si Joon, runs away during his consultation with Dr. In. (Source: KOCOWA)

Fix You111

11 - Treating Voyeuristic Patients

Woo Joo quits her stage therapy job at the hospital and confesses her feelings for Si Joon to Young Won. Young Won feels afraid that Si Joon might fall for Woo Joo. A disturbing community called “Doc SC” is surfaced and some doctors in Eun Kang Medical Center are also found to be members of the voye

Fix You112

12 - Paraphilia Treatment

Woo Joo returns to her stage therapy job thanks to Si Joons surprise visit and kind offer. Eun Kang Medical Center decides to allow the doctors who were members of the porn site, Doc SC, to go under a group therapy for paraphilia treatment. During the process, they find out that Noo Ri turns out to

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13 - A Band-Aid

Woo Jung is thrilled to get a bracelet gift from Si Joon, but Si Joon takes her excitement a little too seriously. As Si Joon explains what happened to Young Won, Young Won tries to keep inside what shes been meaning to tell him. Meanwhile, Woo Jung visits her adoptive mothers restaurant to wish her

Fix You114

14 - Woo Joos Adoptive Mom

Si Joon is worried about Woo Joo since she doesnt answer her phone. Woo Joo goes to see her adoptive mom, but her mom tells Woo Joo that she is sick and tired of her. Si Joon goes to where Woo Joo is, and Woo Joo tells him about her adoptive parents. Meanwhile, Woo Joo thinks Si Joon has feelings fo

Fix You115

15 - You Abandoned Me

Woo Joo is infuriated after finding out that Young Won intentionally sent her to Si Joon. The feeling of abandonment scars her heart and she starts to study about her illness herself. Assemblyman Ko discharges himself from the hospital to treat his tic on his own as Si Joon recommended and Eun Kangs

Fix You116

16 - Get Well, Noo Ri

Dr. In conducts the group therapy for the subway conductors. He also introduces Noo Ri to Young Won and hopes for the best of her treatment. Si Joon gets a warning from the director over rumors of him dating Woo Joo. He visits his father suffering from dementia to ask a question he hasnt shared with

Fix You117

17 - Si Joon Feels Something Different From Woo Joo

Si Joon visits Woo Joo to clear up a misunderstanding. Woo Joo realizes that Si Joons feelings for her are sincere and decides to shrug the misunderstanding off. Meanwhile, a firefighter is hospitalized after suffering from PTSD. He blames himself for the childrens deaths at a fire scene. For this v

Fix You118

18 - Dong Hyuk Feels Inferior to Si Joon

A fight breaks out at the group session and Dong Hyuk blames Si Joon for suggesting the therapy. Dong Hyuk loses his temper with Si Joon for doing everything in his way. Meanwhile, Woo Joo gets fired from the hospital for some reason. When Si Joon hears the news, he immediately looks for Woo Joo.

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19 - Will He Not Abandon Me?

Eun Kang Medical Center decides to cancel their contract with Woo Joo, and Woo Joo accepts it. As Woo Joo and Dr. Lees relationship become official, Woo Joo begins to worry about being abandoned again. Dr. Ji tells her to stop doubting and to start trusting in the relationship no matter what. (Sourc

Fix You120

20 - I Wont Be Your Patient

Inspired by Woo Joos PTSD stage therapy script, Si Joon comes up with an idea about how to treat Patient Baek. He asks Woo Jung to find Baeks biggest comforter in life, his 5th-grade homeroom teacher. Meanwhile, Woo Joo decides to stop any more counseling sessions with Si Joon and tells him that she

Fix You121

21 - Young Won Is in Trouble.

One of the nurses working in the ICU at Eun Kang Medical Center commits suicide. Young Won, the deceaseds psychiatrist, gets the blame for her death. Meanwhile, Si Joon finds out that her death was mainly due to other nurses who bullied her. To prevent similar incidents from happening in the future,

Fix You122

22 - Who Is Responsible for Nurse Heos Death?

Si Joon comes across Cha Dong Il while investigating what really caused Nurse Heo to take her own life. Not like before, Dong Il actually managed to become a real cop, which was the reason he was at the hospital. Unlike Eun Kang Medical Center, Si Joon thinks the poor system of the hospital is respo

Fix You123

23 - A New Movement

Nurse Heos suicide stirs up a new movement in the hospital. Si Joon asks for the nurses help and they start collecting petitions for better working environments for nurses. Meanwhile, Woo Joo cheers up Dr. Ji by telling her shes the best doctor shes ever had. It nudges Dr. Ji to visit Nurse Heos mot

Fix You124

24 - Find Nurse Na

Woo Joo visits Si Joons father together and finds out about how he became a psychiatrist. He wanted to understand more of his father who beat him up so badly. On their way back, they receive a phone call from Nurse Na. After being branded as the reason for Nurse Heos death, she feels so wronged. And

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25 - Si Joon Saves Nurse Na.

Right before Nurse Na tries to commit suicide, Si Joon talks her out of it by explaining how such an action is meaningless. However, the whole process of Nurse Nas rescue had to be publicly aired through a podcast. The next day, Si Joon finds out that the director has already clarified to the public

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26 - I Make People Around Me Feel Miserable.

Woo Joos only friend, Ji Sun, does the right thing and hangs up the phone call from Woo Joos adoptive mom. Ji Suns intention was to cut Woo Joos ties with her adoptive mom who tried to make use of her for money. However, this triggers Woo Joos temper. It was too late when Woo Joo realized that she h

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27 - Woo Joo Goes Back in Time

Now that she knows her illness, Woo Joo tries her best to change. She starts thinking more logically and tries to manage her impulsive emotions. She decides to visit the orphanage she grew up in to know more about herself as well. Meanwhile, the hospitals disciplinary committee notifies Si Joon of h

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28 - A Letter from Mother

As soon as she arrives at the orphanage, Woo Joo receives an old letter written by her mother. She feels too anxious and overwhelmed to read it on her own and asks Si Joon if he could join her. Dr. Ji meets a patient who is suffering from emotional distress after her sons death. Dr. Ji asks Si Joon

Fix You129

29 - A Random Medicine Bottle Worries Si Joon.

While on a suspension, Si Joon finds out that Dong Hyuk is being blackmailed by one of his patients father. Si Joon then questions Dong Hyuk if hes done anything that may turn into a legal issue. Without answering his question, Dong Hyuk keeps his plans to himself, further frustrating Si Joon even m

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30 - You Are a Good Doctor.

Dong Hyuk has been summoned by Ki Tae for an explanation regarding his being an addict. Surprisingly, Dong Hyuk refuses to clarify the misunderstanding and walks away. Meanwhile, Woo Joo, after reading a letter from her birth mother, regrets that she should have lived a better life than a life full

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31 - Si Joon Cant be the New Center Head!

After much thought, the hospital director decides to assign the center head position to Dr. Lee Si Joon. As soon as she makes her decision, Dr. Oh is enraged and starts having acute stress disorders. He tries to do everything he can to stop Si Joon from accepting the position. (Source: Viu)

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32 - Si Joon, the New Center Head

Si Joon and the rest of the Department of Psychiatry help Dr. Oh overcome his stress disorder. Woo Joo works hard on the rehearsals for the choir and the new Psychiatry Center successfully opens its doors. Si Joon also launches a new house call service called “The Soul Repairman”. (Source: Viu)

Shin Ha-kyun

Shin Ha-kyun

Lee Shi-joon
Jeong So-min

Jeong So-min

Han Woo-joo
Park Ye-jin

Park Ye-jin

Ji Young-won
Jang Yoo-sang

Jang Yoo-sang

Im Se-chan
Jung Hae-kyun

Jung Hae-kyun

Park Dae-ha
Joo Min-kyung

Joo Min-kyung

Kong Ji-sun
Choi Jung-woo

Choi Jung-woo

Lee Taek-kyung
Park Soo-young

Park Soo-young

Oh Ki-tae
Tae In-ho

Tae In-ho

In Dong-hyuk
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