Dramatical Murder (2014)
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Una serie de anime basada en Dramatical Murder fue anunciada en el verano de 2014.19 Comenzó a transmitirse en Japón el 6 de julio de 2014, de manera simultánea con el sitio web Crunchyroll, finalizando el 21 de septiembre de ese mismo año con un total de doce episodios emitidos. A diferencia de la novela visual, el anime no contiene material explícito y está calificado bajo el género shōnen, con el objetivo de atraer a una audiencia más variada.20 El reparto se compone de los mismos actores de voz de la novela visual.21 El anime también cuenta con varios temas musicales; uno de apertura y seis de cierre. El tema de apertura es SLIP ON THE PUMPS de GOATBED, mientras que BOWIE KNIFE (también de GOATBED) fue utilizado como tema de cierre para los episodios del 1 a 6, y 11. A partir del episodio siete, se utilizaron diferentes temas musicales para los episodios individuales de cada personaje, interpretados por los mismos artistas de DRAMAtical Murder re:connect. BY MY SIDE y Lullaby Blue de Kanako Itō fueron utilizados en los episodios 7 y 9, Felt de Seiji Kimura en el episodio 8 y Soul Grace de VERTUEUX en el 10. Angels por GOATBED fue utilizado en el episodio final. Online

1 - Data_01_Login
During work at Junk Shop Mediocrity, Aoba Seragaki goes out on a delivery with his Allmate, Ren, and encounters his childhood friend, Koujaku, and his Allmate, Beni. After a short conversation, Aoba makes his delivery to Yoshie and is forced to stay until nightfall. On his way home, Aoba is harassed

2 - Data_02_Crack
Directly after Aobas first attack, his normal personality reappears with no memories of what he just did. The mysterious player has his rabbit Allmates relentlessly attack Aoba and Ren again, which causes Aobas other personality to resurface and seemly destroy the Rhyme Field, ending the battle. Aob

3 - Data_03_Presage
The young man silently purchases an item from Aoba, leaving the shop without identifying himself. When returning home from work that evening, Aoba finds the young man in his bedroom, who reveals to Aoba that he was the person in the rabbit costume that forced him in the Rhyme battle. The teenager de

4 - Data_04_Disappearance
Tae denies having any connections to Aoba and asks what Takahashi want from her. Inside, Aoba watches a live interview of the owner of the pleasure area Platinum Jail, Toue, and ridicules the mans speech of perfect happiness. Once Tae enters the house, she lies to Aoba before both of them return to

5 - Data_05_Error
Aoba wakes up in Scratchs hideout and quickly suffers a beating from Minks men on his orders. As Aoba struggles to break free, his other personality briefly takes over and orders the Scratch members to stop before falling unconscious. When Aoba awakens safely in a bedroom with Ren and his bag, Mink

6 - Data_06_Revelation
As Mizuki breaks down, Aoba is pulled into a Rhyme Field and meets Toue. Toue addresses the baffled Aoba with familiarity, and encourages him to discover who he truly is before disappearing. Aoba awakens in the real world, but quickly collapses after spotting an unconscious Mizuki. At Oval Tower, Ta

7 - Data_07_Distance
Aoba and Koujaku meet each other at the entrance of Platinum Jail, and the former scolds the latter for going off on his own. Once they enter Platinum Jail, Toue makes a live announcement that a special event will be held for Platinum Jails 10th anniversary while Aoba notices the crowds dazed expres

8 - Data_08_Reply
While searching for Ren, Aoba finds Noiz in the living room, tinkering with Ren. Furious, Aoba takes Ren away from Noiz aggressively, causing Noiz to accidentally scratch himself with a screwdriver. Aoba notices the injury and apologizes for hurting Noiz. While treating the wound, Aoba receives anot

9 - Data_09_Echt
Aoba and an injured Noiz are ambushed by Morphine members when Clear appears and easily defeats them. When one of men tries to hurt Aoba, Clear violently beats the man up until Aoba stops him, allowing the Morphine member the chance to throw acid on Clear and escape. At their lodging, Clear refuses

10 - Data_10_Faith
Noiz performs emergency repairs on Clear, but informs Aoba and Koujaku that he is unable to properly fix him. Aoba tells Noiz and Koujaku about his Scrap ability and his suspicion that Toue is planning to use Plantimum Jails Special Anniversary Event to brainwash the citizens on the island. Aoba is

11 - Data_11_Fixer
As Mink and Aoba venture higher up into Oval Tower, Aoba spots specks of light fluttering on Rens face, but Ren coldly brushes him off. When Mink and Aoba are separated while escaping the guards, Aoba encounters a holographic Sei, who is pleased to finally meet Aoba. Sei explains to the bewildered A

12 - Data_12_Dawn
As Rens memories pour inside Aobas mind, Aoba uses Scrap on himself in order to speak with him. Aoba sees that Ren is falling apart due to the worm. Ren reveals he was originally a part of Aobas consciousness, his restraint that was created to monitor his desire (the other Aoba) so that it wouldnt t
Elenco principal

Kenichirou Matsuda
Mink (voice)
Ryota Takeuchi
Ren (voice)
Masatomo Nakazawa
Clear (voice)
Hiroki Takahashi
Koujaku (voice)
Satoshi Hino
Noiz (voice)
Keisuke Gotou
Beni (voice)Midia
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