Pandora Hearts (2009)
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Oz Vessalius, herdeiro de uma das 4 casas nobres, acaba de completar 15 anos de idade. Sua vida é rica e despreocupada, escurecida apenas pela ausência e o desprezo constante de seu pai. Na cerimônia de maioridade (15 anos), porém, tudo muda. Por alguma razão, é lançado na prisão conhecida como Abyss (Abismo), de onde é salvo por uma Chain, conhecida como Alice, o Coelho Sangrento, Coelho negro manchado de sangue (Blood Stained Black Rabbit) ou B-Rabbit. Porém, quando volta para o mundo real, Oz descobre que se passaram 10 anos desde a cerimônia. A história segue então com Oz tentando desvendar os mistérios por trás de Alice, o Abyss e a estranha organização conhecida como Pandora, além do motivo de ter sido jogado no Abyss. A série traz fortes referências às aventuras de Lewis Carroll, Alice no País das Maravilhas e Through the Looking Glass. Online

1 - Innocent Calm
Oz Bezarius (also spelt Vessalius) spends his 15th birthday running away from the maids with his younger sister, Ada and servant, Gilbert. They hide out at Ozs secret spot, where he accidentally falls through the ground leading to a hidden cemetery. Theres only one grave there, and a pocket watch is

2 - Tempest of Conviction
Oz leaves for the ceremony, while Gilbert is possessed by one of the death gods. As Oz makes an oath during the ceremony conducted by his uncle, Oscar, the clock (which was silent for 100 years), suddenly strikes. This brings the strange figures inside the sanctuary, preparing to take Oz away. The p

3 - The Lost Child and the Black Rabbit
Oz gets pulled down into the Abyss. He explores a bit and discovers the place as like a broken toy box. He also finds out the the place looks the same no matter where he goes. Some dolls attack him before the Black Rabbit arrives and saves him once again. First, he is fearful of the girl, who tells

4 - The Morning Sunlight's Place
Oz wakes up to see Raven, Sharon and Break. Upon seeing Raven, Oz calls him Gil. Ravens appearance is similar to those of Gilbert - having black hair, and golden eyes. Break explains to Oz about Pandora(an organization whos objective is to find out anything they can about the Abyss), the residents o

5 - The Ticking Clock's Nightmare
Break gives Oz, Alice, and Raven their first mission. They are sent to a nearby town in search of an illegal contractor, someone who makes a contract with a chain without the permission of Pandora. While there, Alice goes missing and Raven goes to look for her. Alone, Oz sees a young girl selling fl

6 - Where am I ?
Oz decides to return to the mansion, where his coming of age ceremony took place. However, upon arrival, the state of the mansion appears deserted and worn down, unlike the rich glorious mansion as Oz remembers. At the same time, memories pertaining to Gil are recollected, including Ozs insistence o

7 - Call From The Abyss
Oz manages to shock Raven back to himself, and his gun fires, but at Zwei instead of Oz. Oz follows Raven, who claims that he is no longer the Gilbert Oz once knew, to the place where they found the pocket watch. Oz convinces Gil that he wont let him go even if hes joined the Nightray house (an enem

8 - Question
Oz wakes up in Gilberts house, and ponders on the questions the Will of the Abyss had asked him earlier. Break then enters the house, and talks to Oz and Alice regarding the topic of chains, and why he and Sharon had not aged. Thus, Oz realizes that as an illegal contractor, his clock had already be

9 - Malediction
Oz saves a boy named Phillip, a kid from a noble family that just became poor. A flashback came to Oz when Philip asked about Ozs parents. 10 years ago, young Gilbert was about to ask why Ozs father couldnt talk to him. He responded that Oz is too filthy and unfit to be his son. After three days in

10 - Overlapping Shadows
Oz somehow manages to suppress Alices power, and confronts Phillips father. Amid memories of his own fathers coldness, Oz tells him that being by Phillips side will be enough even without changing their past tragedies. Their conversation is cut short as Vincent Nightray shoots Grims contractor and s

11 - Fallen Raven
Gilbert tells what is happened in the ten years that passed when Oz disappeared. Break tells him to go spy at the Nightray family, where he also could get information on the chain, Raven, and get Oz back from Abyss. Initially, Gil was hesitant about going with the Nightrays as Vessalius and Nightray

12 - Through the Looking Glass
Gil is furious that Oz has lost his hat, and they set out to find it. They were challenged into a duel in order to win the hat back, and Gil finally gets it by using the B-rabbits power. After a brief reunion with Uncle Oscar, Alice runs away, only to meet Break and they both are caught and sent to

13 - The Denizen of Warped Dreams
Oz and Gilbert arrive in Cheshires dimension and are attacked by Cheshire, only to be temporarily rescued by Sharons chain, Eques. As they try to escape from Cheshire, he catches up with them, slashes Gil(who falls off the stair railings) and attacks Oz. Cheshire tells Oz that Alice purposely tore u

14 - Demon of the Crimson Eye
The Cheshire Cat is toying with Oz, who responds by making wisecracks. Oz is pulled through the mirror by Jack, and reunited with Gil. Jack asks Oz to help save Alice, who has been trapped inside a memory. Jack sends Oz by himself (upsetting Gil) into the memory of the Tragedy of Sabrie, where he se

15 - Who Killed Poor Alice?
After seeing a murdered Alice, Oz is devastated. Because of his shock, Ozs clock hand moves again, and he begins to destroy Cheshires dimension using B. Rabbits power. He justifies his actions by saying that it was for Alice and hed take that fear away from her, even to the point where he says that

16 - His Name Is...
Oz and Alice, in her B.Rabbit form, are in the middle of a Pandora meeting. Everyone there thinks that they mean to harm the four dukes and chase them. While they are being chased, we discover that Break and Gil got back safely by using Gils chain, Raven. But, because he used it, the seal on Alice w

17 - Hello My Sister!
Break goes to save the kidnapped Sharon from Vincent, but in doing so, he has to destroy Cheshires bell (the truth of the Tragedy of Sabrie). Vincent poisoned her as well so Break would have to do what he wanted quickly. He holds the antidote over the edge of his balcony, calling Break a fool, but a

18 - Eliot & Leo
At Latowidge Academy, Oz encounters two students named Leo and Eliot in the library, and soon gets into an argument with Elliot. Whilst trying to avoid him, Oz and Ada are captured by some Baskervilles and taken to a secret chamber beneath the school. However, luckily for the siblings, Leo and Eliot

19 - The Pool of Tears
Oz, Eliot and Leo are trying to get Ada back to the school. Eliot continues to confront Oz about his willingness to sacrifice himself for others, asking him if hed ever really saved anyone that way. Lotti releases her Chain, Leon, which looks like a large lion with a crown on its head. When the Bask

20 - Modulation
After Oz, Eliot, Leo and Ada make it out of the secret tunnel at Latowidge Academy Oz remembers to ask about the melody he heard Eliot playing earlier, entitled Lacie. Eliot claims to have written it, then asks Oz his name. Gilbert appears and Oz starts to kick him. Eliot then attacks Gilbert, much

21 - Snow White Darkness
Oz and co. go to meet Rufus Barma in order to find out more about the Tragedy of Sabrie. He appears as a tubby old man. He refuses to tell them anything unless they exchange some information that he doesnt know and taunts Oz and Alice. Break then dispels Barmas illusions and confronts the real Rufus

22 - Countervalue of Loss
Why would Vincent kill Alices cat Cheshire and then kill her? As Break, also known as Keven Regnard, wakes from his feinting spell, he tells Rufus Barma, Oz and co. all he knows. In the Will of the Abysss room, Vincent shows up along with Gilbert in his arms. After Vincent collapses, Will of the Aby

23 - A Warp in the World
Oz, Alice, and Gil have been seeking chains for memory fragments for a while now with no success. Ada visits Oz during her holiday break and finds dozens of Pandora guards escorting him; Jack had ordered for Ozs protection when he last appeared (Episode 16). Oscar sees Ada making eyes at Gil and dra

24 - Kyrie
The group hurries to the burning city, where a large-scale Chain attack is taking place. Gil thinks the Baskervilles are to blame for the Chains coming loose, but Alice tells them the Will of the Abyss is calling out, which is upsetting the balance of the Abyss. Gil unleashes Alices B. Rabbit powers

25 - Beyond the Winding Road
Oscar tells Oz that his father has been out of reach for ten years. Sharon and Break discuss what happened earlier, and Break says Oz really does have the power to control the Abyss and that the Will of the Abyss had a special feeling towards Jack. Break tells Sharon that theres a rumor about Oz bei
Elenco principal

Ayako Kawasumi
Alice (voice)
Akira Ishida
Xerxes Break (voice)
Kana Hanazawa
Sharon Rainsworth (voice)
Daisuke Ono
Jack Vessalius (voice)Midia
- Posters
- Backdrops
- Videos
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