Boku no Pico (2006)
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Um menino afeminado chamado Pico, trabalha no bar de seu avô durante o verão, com a esperança de fazer alguns amigos. Tamotsu está na praia e vê Pico por uma luneta. Ele se apaixona por Pico imediatamente. Mais tarde, ele o encontra no restaurante do avô de Pico, que sugere que eles passem mais tempo juntos. Online

1 - My Pico
An effeminate boy named Pico works at his grandfathers cafe during the summer, hoping to make some friends. He soon meets a man named Tamotsu Mokkun, who seduces him, believing him to be a girl. Later at Mokkuns house, Pico asks Mokkun what he thinks of him, but he doesnt respond. Pico runs away and

2 - Pico & Chico
Pico finds a boy named Chico swimming nude in a stream, and the two become friends. Later at Chicos house, Chico takes Pico to his attic, where the two spy on Chicos sister masturbating. Pico then shows Chico that boys can also do this, and the two have sex.

3 - Pico & CoCo & Chico
Pico and Chico meet a pretty, feminine-looking runaway named Coco who lives in a hideout underneath the subway. Pico slowly begins to fall in love with Coco, causing him to question his feelings for Chico. The situation becomes exacerbated when Pico catches Coco and Chico having relations one night.
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